Hang Pictures Using Ribbon

Hanging pictures can be a pain.  You go through all of the effort to make sure that the pictures go with your décor and then that the frames and mattes match the pictures and the color palette for the space and then you have to find the right place for the picture and finally you have to hang it and make sure that it is straight without putting fifteen holes in the wall of damaging the back of the picture in the process.   Once you get all of that done you may be satisfied but then again you might think that it needs a touch of something more.  If that is the case then you may want to add a bit of ribbon to it.

picture frame ribbon

You do this in many ways but the most popular way is to simply use a ribbon to hang the picture in the first place.  This is quite simple.  Simply pick out some ribbon that will compliment your picture as well as your décor.  Once you have done that, the next step is to determine where you want your picture to hang.  Having done that, determine how much ribbon you want to show above the picture.  Cut a length a bit more than twice that amount, tie the ends in a bow and then attach the other end to the back of the picture.  Put a nail in the wall where you want the top of the ribbon and then hand the picture from the ribbon on the nail.

Decorating Chairs with Ribbon


Why would anyone decorate their chairs with ribbon?  Sometimes people like to decorate chairs in this fashion for special occasions like bridal or baby showers, weddings or parties for festive occasions.  Sometimes people do it to add a bit of splash to the color scheme of your interior decorating.


For those who never really think about this kind of thing, it is kind of like…”Why bother?”

You would be surprised at the difference that a small addition such as a ribbon can make to the big picture in decorating.

You don’t need huge, gaudy bows or anything like that (unless that is to your liking).  You can just use bits of ribbon that you may have picked up from a fabric store, big box store or other place.

Find a chair that looks like it needs some attention or one that is frequently overlooked.

One way to decorate your chairs with ribbons is to make them into small bows and hang them on the corners of the chairs back.  Another way is to leave them straight and cut them into strips.  Once this is done, you can hang them from the bottom of the chair as a sort of fringe.

chair ribbon

There is another way but it takes more time.  In this method, you cut many different colors of ribbons into little squares.  Once you have them ready you can get some fabric glue and using this add them in random order to a chair.  You will end up with a very colorful and very unique piece.